Saturday, January 14, 2017

Wages & Degrees

The job market continues to evolve in the 21st century upending every industry as we know it.  Here is an article about wages for recent adult Millennials versus their Baby Boomer parents.  Wages & Degrees.

Here is a quick video about how automation has changed our workplace and how a new era of robotics and automation is on the horizon.

Extra Credit: Read the article and watch the video. Leave a comment explaining what this means to your future and what you plan on doing to prepare for it (Comment must be left by 1/23/17).


  1. This video is very eye opening for my age group, especially as many are heading off to college next year. This means that in four more years when I graduate college it will be even more competitive in the work force, since it is already competitive now. It is worrisome to think about. To plan for the future I believe studying in the computer and technology field is a smart choice because that is the future and people do need to make the robots that are taking over common human jobs.
    -Emily Noone

  2. This video proves that robotics is going to be a big part of our future. I plan to major in engineering in college. Engineers will increase in demand as robotics become higher in demand.
    Lena S.
