54. Civil Liberties & Civil Rights Test - 1st - 4/26, 7th - 4/27, 5th - 5/2.  Will not accept after 5/2/18

53.  A Google Classroom page has been set up for your APGoPo class.  You must join the class by Wednesday 4/25/18 (This is for a grade).  Log into Google Classroom using your school email and information.  Join the APGoPo class using the code z0ih0cn.  Let me know if you have any questions.  (Please pass this assignment along to your classmates since we have an inconsistent class schedule at this point in time.)  The complete Interest Group & Mass Media assignment is posted here as well.

52. You are to watch 6 crash course videos on Interest Groups, Interest Group Formation, Media Institution, Media Regulation, Public Opinion, and Shaping Public Opinion.  Answer the questions based on the information on the video and your knowledge of the topic.  This is due 4/26 (1st & 7th only) and due 5/2 (5th only)  Will not accept after 4/26/18 & 5/2/18 respectively. 

51. Please read the Interest Group & Mass Media packet and take notes on the various sections, be ready to discuss and answer questions in class, there will be a test/quiz at some point.  Define all of the Interest Group & Mass Media Vocabulary (44 words).     This is due 4/26 (1st & 7th only) and due 5/2 (5th only)  Will not accept after 4/26/18 & 5/2/18 respectively.

50.  Supreme Court judge quiz on 4/13/18.  Must be taken by April 20, 2018.  

49. You are to watch four crash course videos on Civil Liberties & Civil Rights (Civil Liberties & Civil Rights, Due Process, Equal Protection, & Affirmative Action) and answer the questions based on the information in the video and your knowledge of the topic.  This is due 4/17/18 and will not be accepted after this date!

48. Please read the packet Civil Liberties & Civil Rights and take notes on the various sections, be ready to discuss and answer questions in class, there will be a test/quiz at some point.  Make sure to define all Key Terms on the front page and the following terms:  1st, 13th, 14th, 15th Amendments, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Voting Rights Act of 1965, Due Process Clause, Commercial Speech, Libel, Americans with Disabilities Act.   This is due 4/16/18 & 4/20.  Will not accept after 4/20/18

47. You are to watch four Crash Course videos on the Judiciary (Legal System Basics, Court System Structure, S.C.O.T.U.S. Procedures, and Judicial Decisions) and answer the questions based on the information in the video and your knowledge of the federal court system.  This is due 4/11/18.  Will not accept after 4/13/18

46. Please read the packet on The Judiciary and take notes on the various sections, be ready to discuss and answer questions in class, there will be a test/quiz as some point.  Make sure to define all Key Terms in the front page and the following terms as wellStare Decisis, Solicitor General, Judicial Implementation, Supreme Court, Criminal Law, Judiciary Committee,Warren Court, Marshall Court, Renquist Court (33 Words).  This is due 4/9/18.  Will not accept after 4/13/18

45. SPRING BREAK ASSIGNMENT:  When we return from break there will be a test on PAC's, SuperPAC's and the court cases we have covered.  Watch the Crash Course videos on Political Ideology and Foreign Policy, answer the questions based on the video and your knowledge of the topic.  Due by 3/27/18.  Will not accept after 3/29/18

44. Watch the following two Crash Course videos, Political Party & Party System, and answer the questions based on the video and your knowledge of the topic.  Due by 3/13/18.  Will not accept after 3/27/18

43. Please read the packet on Political Parties and take notes on the various sections, be ready to discuss and answer questions in class, there will be a test/quiz at some point.  Make sure to define all the Key Terms on the front page.  This is due 3/8/18.  Will not accept after 3/13/18

42. Watch the Crash Course video on Political Campaigns and answer the questions based on the video and your knowledge of the topic.  Due 3/1/18.  Will not accept after 3/5/18

41. Watch the Crash Course video for Election Basics & How Voters Decide and answer the questions based on the video and your knowledge of the topic.  Due 2/27/18.  Will not accept after 3/2/18

40. The next section you are to read is Voting & Elections.  Read the entire packet, take notes on the various sections, be ready to discuss and answer questions in class, there will be a test/quiz at some point.  Make sure to define all the Key Terms on the front page.  This is due 2/23/18.  Will not accept after 2/27/18

39.  Watch the following Crash Course videos, Bureaucracy Basics, Controlling Bureaucracies, and Types of Bureaucracies.  Answer the questions for each of the videos.  This is due 2/19/18. Will not accept after 2/23/18
Bureaucracy Basics Video Questions
Controlling Bureaucracies Video Questions
Types of Bureaucracies Video Questions

38.  Define Supplemental Executive Branch vocabulary (18 words).  Due 2/8/18.  Will not accept after 2/1/18

37. FRQ #3 - Write the FRQ handed out on class.  Due 2/6/18.  Will not accept after 2/9/18

36.  The next unit will be on the Executive Branch.  Read the entire Executive Branch packet, take notes on the various sections, be ready to discuss and answer questions in class, there will be a test/quiz at some point.  Make sure to define all the Key Terms on the front page (13 words).  This is due 2/6/18.  Will not accept after 2/9/18

35.  Watch the two Crash Course videos on Presidential Powers and answer the following questions based on the video and your knowledge of the topic.  Presidential Powers Video Questions.  This is due 2/6/18.  Will not accept after 2/9/18

34.  You are to watch the two videos on Gerrymandering and answer the questions based on the content and your knowledge of the subject.  Also watch the video on Congressional Leadership and answer those questions as well.  Gerrymandering Questions & Congressional Leadership Questions This is due 1/29/18  Will not accept after 2/2/18

33. Congressional Committee Assignment - Print directions and follow the instructions for the assignment if you were not in class when assigned.  This is due 1/25/18.  Will not accept after 1/29/18

32. Watch the Crash Course video Congressional Committees and answer the following questions based on the video and your knowledge of government and politics. Congressional Committee Questions - Due 1/23/18  Will not accept after 1/26/18

31. Legislative Branch vocabulary and Congressional Leadership quiz on 1/19/18.  Will not accept after 1/25/18

30. Federalism Test - 1/10/18.  Will not accept after 1/16/18

29. Watch the Crash Course video on How A Bill Becomes Law and answer the following questions based on the video and your knowledge of government and politics.  How A Bill Becomes A Law Questions  This is due Friday 1/12/18.  Will not accept after 1/17/18

28. Video Question Review Assignment:  Working in groups of 1-3, you are to watch the assigned Crash Course video from your Xmas break assignment.  Your group will them produce 7 multiple choice questions based on the video.  Please make sure the questions and choices are up to AP standards.  You can create quality questions and choices from any sources as long as it is directly related to the video's topic.  Your group must email your 7 multiple choice questions by Sunday 1/14/18 (jeffrey.caro@palmbeachschools.org).

Extra Credit: Define the terms from the Legislative Branch reading.  Use the attached document (Leg Branch Words) to type out the vocabulary.  The first person to email me at 8PM on Thursday 1/11/18 the correctly defined words using the correct format will receive extra credit.

27. The next section we're reading is the Legislative Branch. Read the entire packet, take notes on the various sections, be ready to discuss and answer questions in class, there will be a test/quiz at some point.  Make sure to define all the Key Terms on the front page (31 words).  Due 1/12/18.  Will not accept after 1/16/18

26. There will be a Federalism test on Wednesday 1/10/18.  Will not accept after 1/16/18

X-MAS BREAK ASSIGNMENT:  There are two assignments for the break.  
1.  Define amendments 11-27.  There will be a full amendment test the day we get back to school (1/8/18).  
2.  Watch the following videos on the Test Prep page and answer the questions that go along with each video.  This is due the day we get back to school (1/8/18).  Test or video questions cannot be made up after 1/12/18

1. Bicameral Congress Video Questions
2. Checks & Balances Video Questions
3. Constitutional Compromises Video Questions
4. Discrimination Video Questions
5. Freedom of the Press Video Questions
6. Freedom of Religion Video Questions
7. Freedom of Speech Video Questions
8. Judicial Review Video Questions
9. Market Economy Video Questions
10. Monetary & Fiscal Policy Video Questions
11. Search & Seizure Video Questions

25. ECON Final Test Review Packet - Answer the questions in the packet.  Econ 2017 Final Review

24. Answer the last question on the FRQ handout you were provided in class.  Due 12/8/17. Must be made up in class by 12/12/17

23. Define the following words:  Fiscal Policy, Insurance, Entitlements, Supply-Side Economics, Demand-Side Economics, Deregulation, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics. This is due 12/7/17.  Will not accept after 12/13/17

22. Chapter 16 - Define all content vocabulary (23 words) in chapter 16.  This is due & 12/8.  Will not accept after 12/12/17

21.  Chapter 16 Vocabulary quiz and Fed Reserve short answer questions quiz on 12/12/17. Will not accept after 12/15/17 

EXTRA CREDIT (1ST & 7th Hour Only): - Electronically create a vocabulary database for the following terms Vocabulary Extra Credit.  #1.  Attached is the vocabulary document to be used and completed.  Please stick to the assigned formatting already in place.  Extra credit will go to the first one I receive via email and is done correctly.  I will only accept submissions between 6PM-8PM on 11/29/17 to help ensure everyone has a chance.

20. Vocabulary quiz on Chapter 14.1 & 14.2.  Quiz will be on 11/16 & 11/17.  Will not accept after 11/28/17

19.  You are to read the Federalism Reading, take notes, and define all the vocabulary terms (24) on the front page.  In addition, watch the Federalism video on the blog and answer the following questions about the video.  Federalism Video Questions  This is due 11/28/17.  
Will not accept after 12/6/17

18. Chapter 14 Assignment - Please open the assignment and follow the instructions.  This is due 11/13 & 11/14/17.  Ch 14 Assignment  Will not accept after 11/27/17

17. The final stock market assignment will be due on November 16th & 17th.  You are to complete one final Stock Market Portfolio #2 of at least ten stocks you own.  Please make sure your numbers are accurate and formatted properly.  I'll be looking to make sure these aspects of the assignment are accurate and correctly done.  Will not accept after 11/27/17

16. ECON - Chapter 3 test on 11/8 & 11/9  Will not accept after 11/17/17

15. Complete the chart handed out in class (Economics in Constitution) for the economic powers of Congress.  This is due 11/2/17

EXTRA CREDIT: - Electronically create a vocabulary database for the terms from Reading #1.  Attached is the vocabulary document to be used and completed.  Please stick to the assigned formatting already in place.  Extra credit will go to the first one I receive via email and is done correctly.  I will only accept submissions between 6PM-8PM on 10/25/17 to help ensure everyone has a chance.   Reading #1 Vocabulary

14. There will be a "surprise" BOR quiz on 10/19/17.  Must be made up by end of day on 10/26/17

13.  The first APGoPo reading is posted on Edline as well as here Reading #1.  Read the entire packet, take notes on the various sections, be ready to discuss and answer questions in class, there will be a test/quiz at some point and define all the Key Terms on the front page (33 words).  Due 10/17/17

12. Watch the video on this blog about why we should study government and answer the following questions based on the video and your knowledge of government and politics.  Why Study Government Video Questions - Due 10/19/17.

11. Stock market presentations will begin on October 16th and will continue through November 17th.  You will be picked randomly to present and everyone must present their stocks.  I will choose one stock to highlight and I'll ask the following questions Stock Presentation Questions .  Your grade will be based on your responses to these questions.  The last day to present will be November 16th & 17th.  

10. I will be going through the Stock Market website to determine if at least 10 companies and all of your money has been spent.  I will do this starting on October 20th at 4:30. 

9. Define all vocabulary in Chapter 3 (17 words).  This is due 10/9 & 10/10.  There will be a vocabulary quiz on these terms on 10/9 & 10/10. Will not accept after 10/17/17

8. There will be an Economics Unit Test covering everything from Chapter 1, Chapter 2, and Stock Market.  Whatever was discussed in class or assigned for homework covering these topics can potentially be on the test.  Some words we did not cover but you should be familiar with from Chapter 2.3 are GDP Per Capita, Privatization, Vouchers, Nationalization, European Union, Black Market, Capital Intensive, & Population Density.  Test dates are October 3rd & 4th.  Will not accept after 10/6/17

7. Completely fill in the Stock Portfolio worksheet with at least ten of your current stocks.  This is due 10/2 & 10/3. Stock Portfolio Worksheet Will not accept after 10/6/17

6. Define all vocabulary in Chapter 2.1 & 2.2 in the Economics textbook - Due 9/25 & 9/26.  There will be a quiz on 9/25 & 9/26 on this vocabulary. Test must be made up by 10/6/17.

5. Define all vocabulary from stock market handout (Assigned 9/5 & 9/6).  This is due the day we get back from Hurricane Irma.  There will also be a quiz on these terms the day we get back from Hurricane Irma.   (Wall Street, Stock, Stock Market, DOW, Bear Market, Bull Market, Unemployment Rate, Recession, Depression, Inflation, Deflation, Cost-of-Living, Outsourcing, Mortgage, Foreclosure, Underwater, Deficit, Stimulus, Federal Reserve, New York Stock Exchange, Nasdaq).  ****This is due Monday & Tuesday September 18th & 19th.  Quiz to follow on the 20th & 22nd.****  You have until 9/29 to make up this test!!

4. Stock Market Challenge - Starting on Monday September 11th you are to start buying stocks through the game's website (www.floridasms.com) Make sure you are using the correct username and password to login.  You are required to spend ALL of your money on at least 10 different companies. This must be completed no later than Friday September 15th at 4:00 PM.  There is no partial credit for this assignment.  You either have it completed by this time or you don't and the grading will reflect this.  Email me if you have questions (jeffrey.caro@palmbeachschools.org).  ****The due date for this assignment has been changed to Friday September 22nd @ 4PM.****  

3. Define all vocabulary in sections 1.2 & 1.3.  This is due 8/25 & 8/28.  There will be a quiz on these two sections.  8/25, 8/28/, 8/29

2.  Define all vocabulary in section 1.1 of Economics textbook.  This is due 8/23.  There will be a quiz on 8/23 (1st & 5th), &  8/25 (7th).

1.  Summer Assignment - Check main page for details.  Due August 28th.

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